The Beginning of SYMBOLS

What started as a home business gradually expanded and Symbols House of Natural Art was started one and a half years ago in Brickfields. Initially it was conceived as an art gallery but as we had more than paintings to offer to our clients, we became more of a studio where various activities were initiated.
We had twelve volumes of handbooks titled Hindu Science through our home business and when we shifted to this new studio, we allotted a special place for our books and continued the series.
The owner and the gallery resident artist, Jeganathan Ramachandram, who also happens to be the author of the Hindu Science series took it further by doing his Nadha Brahmam reading in the premise.
In year 2007, with the help of a special patron, Mr Thiaga Sunder, we built a special room where one can distress and even heal through sound, light and aromatherapy called "PAUSE".
Soon, the demand by clients brought about art classes for adult and children, using an ancient system of learning known as “Gurukulam”. And the latest inclusion to this ever expanding place is Sound appreciation class; teaching people to chant mantras in a proper way using an ancient sound methodology.
Our aim is to have a place where people of all walks will get to understand and appreciate the arts and science of the ancient mystics.
Currently, we are located in a home studio in Jalan Ipoh.
Labels: adult, ancient, art, art class, books, brickfields, children, classes, gallery, hindu, indian, jeganathan, mantra, nadha brahmam, ramachandram, science, sound, studio, therapy