The second work is my comment on the structure of this time. We are slowly moving away from reality, a truth, that cannot be written otherwise. We are all connected and here in this work I painted a head of a bird that becomes the head of a fish. The fish becomes the head of a donkey and the donkey, the head for a snake. Then a lizard, then a small man and a big man and finally held by an ice cream stick. What we fail to see is that we are all connected, software and hardware. No decision can be taken by an individual. The world is becoming much smaller and until we realise that we are here together, we will be lost in the evolution race. The child held by the big man represents our tomorrow, the globe, our environment; it is placed out of the spotlight to depict the casualness and lack of seriousness given to our future world and children. I call it 'BirdBrain'.

…I have a story to tell
of a fish which had the head of a bird
…it wondered many times about this obscure reality
but the fish, never realizing it was the head of a donkey
wagged its tail every time it went to swim
so goes the story of life
each of us think
we own the moment…never realising
that the moment stays awhile and moves past us
we own nothing…we are only a part of the act of life
…it is sad, that this ignorance
has taken centre stage in our life
in arrogance man is believing…HE OWNS

…I have a story to tell
of a fish which had the head of a bird
…it wondered many times about this obscure reality
but the fish, never realizing it was the head of a donkey
wagged its tail every time it went to swim
so goes the story of life
each of us think
we own the moment…never realising
that the moment stays awhile and moves past us
we own nothing…we are only a part of the act of life
…it is sad, that this ignorance
has taken centre stage in our life
in arrogance man is believing…HE OWNS