Jeganathan's Paintings from A Path and A Meeting Exhibition...

floating within the two planes of life
…one of which, yearns for the illusion that lies
and the other seeks contentment,
… a state of bliss
Being that very nature that holds the sound of life
…without an intention

…a moment of balance
stillness so tender
slowly fades and disappear
is only the dancer of the wild
bowing in reverence
within the half animal, half man, half God
whilst the bird of passion moves a distant away

There was never a beginning neither an end
so I was told by the mystics
that rose from the nine folds
all that I believed to be real as I grew
that rose from the dream
has now retired into the closet of my mind
…roped me with titles
bonded me with the flesh of another
…all that too
has come to cease
and have seen and felt the truth
that none is greater
than the other
and that which may come after
are but maya, the illusion
of the craving mind

I am known as the sun
…the one who colours the life
of the living and the dying
the fishes and the many ants that roam this land
wearing the garb, mine
fulfilling the moments
that the day rules
into the lives of the many, that the darkness rule
the one brother in the family of five
to the mighty Lord
the one and the only one
who gives birth and takes the dead home
without a flaw
I salute you…

I have heard of a man
who was born in a distant land
decorated the night sky
He, the father
He, the spirit
that bore milk in a mother’s breast
that brought forth kindness to all
with the lotus heart
He, the man
with wisdom all

There in the midst of creation
sits the Father
whispering wisdom
to his children, the senses five
staging the drama of life there
that he is so rightfully is to perform
the seeker, the doer
the duty and the play
all so majestically arrayed
…for man to live
among the animals, plants and the stones
the man woman, god of life
sit ruling the core
the tree of life
stretching its limbs
swallowing the ambrosia from
the mouth of eternity
is but a fragment of this drama
that stages itself
in time, through time
without a pause